Thursday, December 12, 2013

Lewis Baltz Final series

This is the final group from the series, where we chose an artist to focus on. For this last series, we chose the best six pictures from all three series and combined them together. The point of doing this was to see how much we have improved throughout the series.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lewis Baltz series three

This is the third series of pictures we have taken (where we are trying to really emulate the style of the artist we chose). Lewis Baltz's style was to take pictures of an object against a blank wall. For example, I took a picture of a doorbell on a blank wall. Also, in his pictures, he makes the blank wall take up the whole frame. In my pictures, I really try to use the same formula as he did.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lewis Baltz series two

This is the second batch of pictures from the artist we choose, and the object was to emulate the style and the genre of the artist. For me, that means having a blank background, mainly a wall, and then having some sort of object or cool little jem off center to really make the picture pop.